Q1. The fashion style that I want to create is?
Dandy / Rock chic/ Hip-hop / Casual / Full dress / Semi
1st choice: Casual
2nd choice: Semi
3rd choice: Full dress
Q2. Preferred colour for outfits
Black / White / Yellow / Green / Blue / Grey / Charcoal / Navy / Red / Purple
[Tiffany added this line] 0 choice: PINK!!!
1st choice: Red
2nd choice: Black
Fashion King EP1 Lembar Pencocokan Star-Designer
P1: Gaya fashion yang ingin aku ciptakan adalah?
Keren / Chic & Cool / Hip-hop / Kasual / gaun lengkap / Semi
pilihan 1: Casual
pilihan 2: Semi
pilihan 3: dress penuh
P2. Warna yang dipilih untuk pakaian?
Hitam / Putih / Kuning / Hijau / Biru / Abu-abu / Arang / Biru Tua / Merah / Ungu
[Tiffany menambahkan baris ini] Pilihan 0: PINK!!!
Pilihan 1: Merah
Pilihan 2: Hitam
![Foto: [TRANS] Fashion King Korea EP01 Star-Designer Matching Sheet - Tiffany
Q1. The fashion style that I want to create is?
Dandy / Rock chic/ Hip-hop / Casual / Full dress / Semi
1st choice: Casual
2nd choice: Semi
3rd choice: Full dress
Q2. Preferred colour for outfits
Black / White / Yellow / Green / Blue / Grey / Charcoal / Navy / Red / Purple
[Tiffany added this line] 0 choice: PINK!!! <3
1st choice: Red
2nd choice: Black
Fashion King EP1 Lembar Pencocokan Star-Designer
P1: Gaya fashion yang ingin aku ciptakan adalah?
Keren / Chic & Cool / Hip-hop / Kasual / gaun lengkap / Semi
pilihan 1: Casual
pilihan 2: Semi
pilihan 3: dress penuh
P2. Warna yang dipilih untuk pakaian?
Hitam / Putih / Kuning / Hijau / Biru / Abu-abu / Arang / Biru Tua / Merah / Ungu
[Tiffany menambahkan baris ini] Pilihan 0: PINK!!! <3
Pilihan 1: Merah
Pilihan 2: Hitam
trans by bugfany
id.trans by dorkytaengo@SNSDIndonesiaUpdate
-dorky taengo-](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1472070_643511719033113_1414204846_n.jpg)
trans by bugfany
id.trans by dorkytaengo@SNSDIndonesiaUpdate
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